SHS Baseball

SHS Baseball
CYO Division 11 - Little League Baseball

Thursday, March 26, 2020

"Pitch Recognition" πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

"Pitch Recognition" 

In this edition of USA Baseball Develops, We talk about the importance of pitch recognition, specifically looking for the fastball down the middle and adjusting on the off-speed. Recognizing the spin on the Ball, looking for the seams, & Rotation. Work on recognition of the Pitchers Arm Slot, Release Point, and the Spin on the Ball. This will help you when trying to pick up if the Pitch is a Fastball, 4-Seam or 2-Seam, a Sinker, a Changeup, Slider, or Curveball. Continue to work on this every chance you get. ⚾

#Baseball #USABDevelops #USABaseball

"Pitch Recognition" with USA Baseball Develops πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

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