SHS Baseball

SHS Baseball
CYO Division 11 - Little League Baseball

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Have Command of Your Soundtrack

What is Your Soundtrack? πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Just like movies, we have our own soundtrack. When someone walks in a room you can feel where they are at by their energy, body language and facial expression. Coaches, learn how having command of your soundtrack is crucial in reaching more players.

"The Career Impact of Playing Youth Sports"

The Career Impact of Playing Youth Sports

As parents, we all like to think we’re steering our children toward activities and opportunities that will help them lead happy, productive, and fulfilling lives. We encourage them to work hard, have integrity, take risks, show gratitude, be respectful, etc. But at some point, deep down, every parent realizes there are no guarantees. There’s no formula that ensures success, but there are definitely behaviors, activities, and opportunities that increase the chances your child will become a successful, ethical, and happy adult. According to recent research, participation in youth sports is one them.

A 2014 study by Kniffin, Wansink, and Shimizu examined how participation in high school sports correlated with a person’s behaviors and accomplishments later in life. Here are some of their findings:

Hiring Managers Preferentially Hire Student Athletes

Parents often look to youth sports to help their children develop leadership skills, self-confidence, and self-respect. According to the research from Kniffin and his colleagues, managers looking to hire people for entry-level jobs have the expectation former student athletes possess those skills and traits, which gives them a competitive advantage. They even looked at whether this advantage was specifically associated with sports, or whether participation in any organized activity provided the same advantage. Compared to former band and yearbook members, former student athletes were perceived by managers to have greater leadership skills, self-confidence, and self-respect.

Former Student Athletes Advance Faster

Certain lessons learned through sports help young workers advance in their careers. Youth sports expose kids to organizational leaders (coaches) early on, which research has shown to be an important component of learning leadership skills. Team sports also “reward group-level achievements and appear to facilitate the enforcement of group-serving behavior.” In other words, former student athletes are better team players in a career setting, and grow to become leaders
who strive for the success of the team.

Former Student Athletes Have Higher Wages at 30 years old

Supporting prior research, a 2010 study by Betsey Stevenson showed participation in high school sports had a positive effect on the amount of education people attained, the likelihood of being employed as an adult, and the wages they earned. Stevenson’s work focused on the effect of Title IX on the success of women in the workforce, and two results of particular note were that 1) Higher wages only correlated with participation in high school sports, and not any other extracurricular activities, and 2) Title IX led to a substantial increase in the percentage of women who subsequently pursued traditionally male-dominated, higher-wage careers.

 Former Student Athletes Are More Likely to Give Back

Another component of the study by Knifflin and his colleagues examined philanthropic behaviors of former student athletes 60 years after high school. They found that older men who participated in volunteer work or donated money to charitable causes were more likely to have participated in high school sports, and particularly, exhibited leadership traits in high school sports.

Overall, former student athletes earned more money, advanced to more senior career positions, and were more likely than non-athletes to volunteer and donate money as older adults.

It is important to note, the researchers referenced in this article acknowledged they could only show correlation, and not causation. They couldn’t answer whether the people who earned more, advanced further, and were more philanthropic achieved those outcomes because they participated in sport or if the traits that helped them succeed later in life also drew them to participate in sport in the first place.

Either way, participating in high school sports is a winning proposition!

Monday, March 30, 2020

Outfield: Back Up Plays

Outfield: πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Outfielders: While back-ups may not eliminate errors, they will certainly limit the number of extra bases a team gives up. On each ball put in play, outfielders should run to back up either the infielders or their fellow outfielders.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Fake Bunt & Steal 3rd

Break down a Fake Bunt and Steal 3rd. With a Runner on 2nd (take the lead)the Batter will Square up and get ready to lay down a bunt toward the 3rd base line, this will draw the 3rd baseman in and the defensive corners. As the Pitch comes in, With the Runner taking off from 2nd to head to 3rd, pull back the bat and allow the runner to advance to 3rd on the stolen base. 

#USABaseball #USABDevelops #USABFirstPitch 

Saturday, March 28, 2020

"Working With Youth Pitchers"

"Pitchers" πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Strength Training for Youth Pitchers is an essential way to prepare the Players and make sure they are ready for the progression to larger field. Watch the video to learn more. Check out strength, training, conditioning drills, and workouts the Pitchers can do to maximize performance.

SHS Baseball on IG

Friday, March 27, 2020

Communicate With Your Players

Coaches: πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Each personality, along with life experiences and the environment in which we live plays a part in how we socialize and communicate with others. The ability to relate to others is a key topic in effective communication. #USABFirstPitch #USABDevelops #USABaseball


"Opposite Field Single"

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ  "USA Baseball Develops" πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Today is all about staying inside of the Baseball and having situational awareness when at the plate. 
We break down the importance of an opposite field RBI-single with two outs and a runner on third.
 In this situation you don’t want to be a Pull-Hitter and end up eith flying out, or grounding out to the pull side of the infield.
 Work on being able to shorten up your swing and hitting or driving the ball to the opposite field. 
The same approach is key if the defense decides to shift on you when you are at bat. 

Thursday, March 26, 2020

"Pitch Recognition" πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

"Pitch Recognition" 

In this edition of USA Baseball Develops, We talk about the importance of pitch recognition, specifically looking for the fastball down the middle and adjusting on the off-speed. Recognizing the spin on the Ball, looking for the seams, & Rotation. Work on recognition of the Pitchers Arm Slot, Release Point, and the Spin on the Ball. This will help you when trying to pick up if the Pitch is a Fastball, 4-Seam or 2-Seam, a Sinker, a Changeup, Slider, or Curveball. Continue to work on this every chance you get. ⚾

#Baseball #USABDevelops #USABaseball

"Pitch Recognition" with USA Baseball Develops πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Friday, March 20, 2020

2020 Baseball Season Suspended

The 2020 CYO Region 11 Baseball Season has been Temporarily Suspended due to the "Corona-Virus" (Covid-19) Health Pandemic.

All Workouts, Practice, & Games are Delayed until further Notice from the League & CDC. 

Sunday, March 15, 2020

2020 CYO Region 11 "Opening Day"

"Opening Day"
2020 Spring Baseball Season
(Game 1)

St. Hilary vs. St. Mary
March 10th, 2020
@ SHS Field

2020 Sandlot "Charity" Baseball Game

2020 Sandlot Baseball Game {Hosted by Trevor Bauer} 

2 Teams of MLB Players Play a Sandlot Style Baseball Game for Charity in Arizona 

¤ Watch on Momentum Tv πŸ“Ί
(Trevor Bauer YouTube Channel)

Thursday, March 12, 2020

2020 Spring Baseball Season is Here!!

The 2020 Spring Baseball Season is Finally Here!!

2020 CYO Region 11 Baseball League